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We digitise your small business

Digitising is hard and often cost prohibitive for small businesses. 

We bring affordable digital solutions to solve the bespoke problems of your small business.



Need Tech Help?

Is this you?

A small business owner spending hours away from family because you have a series of monotonous, manual, inefficient tasks you must undertake to keep your business operational.

You shout: “There must be a better, more efficient, less-manual, tech-enable, way of doing this”.

We're here to help by bringing digital capability to small businesses, building solutions within the tech landscape with which you are already familiar.

01. We analyse your processes
02. Then digitise your processes
Hours Saved
what we do

We love what we do for our clients

The latest advancements in tech are bringing new capabilities to the masses and enabling the development of bespoke application development, data engineering, automation, and AI capability at much lower costs.

Bespoke digital capability was cost prohibitive for many small businesses in the past, but things have changed. 

Our mission at is to bring this digital capability to small businesses.

Richard Petchey



Our main focus is simplifying your business operations with a touch of technological brilliance. We accomplish this by maximising the potential of your existing software licences or leveraging other low-cost platforms. The result? We solve your niche problems with powerful solutions tailored specifically to your needs.

Say goodbye to time-consuming administrative tasks as we help you to automate and digitise processes, freeing you up for what truly matters. Our customised applications turbocharge workflows, eliminate redundant tasks, and elevate your overall productivity to new heights.


But we know that managing multiple software licences and platforms can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to simplify. We’ll help you streamline your digital ecosystem by consolidating platforms, ensuring easy navigation and management without the hassle.

We’re not just about short-term success – we aim to enlighten you with the power of data. By integrating business intelligence tools into our applications, we unveil valuable insights about your operations. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll identify opportunities for improvement and make data-driven decisions to support your business.


Bringing digital solutions to small business

Our Mission

What our clients say

Steve Morris

The team were great at working with me to identify and implement the most optimum digital solutions which could be custom built to meet the specific needs of my business

Steve Morris

Sean Pereira

It’s a pleasure working with betterway to solve problems and develop innovation solutions collaboratively

Sean Pereira


We provide exclusive digital services

Service Lines

Web / Data / Apps / Integration

Products Built